What is retro-commissioning?
Retro-commissioning (RCx) is the application of the commissioning process to existing buildings. RCx is a process that will improve how building equipment and systems function together. Depending on the age of the building, retro-commissioning can often resolve problems that occurred during design or construction, or address problems that have developed throughout the building’s life. In all, retro-commissioning improves a building’s operations and maintenance (O&M) procedures to enhance overall building performance.
All forms of building commissioning share the same goals: to produce a building that meets the unique needs of its owner and occupants, operates as efficiently as possible, provides a safe, comfortable work environment, and is operated and maintained by a well-trained staff or service contractor.

Focus on Energy
BCSE-RCx is a registered “Trade Ally” for the Wisconsin State – Focus on Energy programs. We have been a partner with FOE for almost 2 years. Small and large energy users, both for natural gas and electricity have the ability to apply to FOE for potential energy saving rebates. They offer a very lucrative rebate based on the “Retro Commissioning Program” that they offer. We have been successful to work with many clients to apply for and achieve large rebates that FOE has provided the funds after work has been completed to reduce energy consumptions.
Another lucrative money program that FOE offers, is incentives to provide assistance with replacing existing HVAC and lighting equipment. Based on size amount of estimated savings, etc. they provide set amounts of incentive payments to the customer for replacing old and inefficient equipment.
Visit www.focusonenergy.com and review their programs that BCSE-RCx can assist you to capitalize on the “free” monies. You can also contact us to help you determine if you would be a candidate to conform to their rebates and incentive programs.
“Our passion is in optimizing your building’s energy performance.”
Why Choose Us?
We have over 45 years experience providing expert advice on energy performance.
We spend time working with you to ensure we develop solutions that will attain your goals.
Client Focused
Our recommendations are based on your operational and economic needs.
With our expert staff, we analyze and prepare a custom report with specific targets.